Generasjon Z er vår skreddersydde arena der vi fokuserer på å legge til rette for effektive møter mellom studenter og næringslivet.
I år vil USNexpo bli en integrert del av Industriuka, et nytt samarbeid som har som mål å styrke denne forbindelsen.
Med USNexpo som en del av Industriuka ser vi frem til å bygge solide relasjoner mellom talenter og næringsliv for en bærekraftig fremtid!
Generasjon Z trenger mer plass og flyttes inn i hallen.
Vi jobber også med å utvide den populære Møtebørsen med innkjøpere til å bli en større Leverandøredag med de store prosjekteierne.
I sentrum av hallen finner du et kafé- og mingleområde, en perfekt arena for uformelle samtaler over en kopp kaffe, en pause mellom møter, eller for å nyte en gobit sammen med en ny kundekontakt.
USNexpo er en teknologimesse med prosjekter innen alle ingeniørfag! På USNexpo får du oppleve:
For bachelorstudentene er bacheloroppgaven et prosjekt, og våren 2025 forventes det at omtrent 30 grupper vil presentere sine arbeider. Bachelorgruppene fordeler seg på disse programmene:
Våren 2025 forventes det at over 50 studenter vil forsvare sine masteroppgaver. Oppgavene fordeler seg på følgende programmer:
Alle de fire programmene gir tittelen «Master of Science» i tillegg til «Sivilingeniør» når vitnemålene utdeles.
Se komplett oversikt!Våren 2025 forventes det at ca. 30 PhD studenter vil forsvare sine oppgaver, innen teknologi!
Se komplett oversikt!Navn | Tema | Samarbeidspartnere | Presentasjon |
MT-68-25 | Exploring the feasibility of using low-cost inertial measurement units for heave compensation tasks | 12:00, Gen Z-scenen | |
MT-67-25 | Mixed ammonia/hydrogen jet flames for carbon free shipping - extra | - | |
MT-66-25 | CPFD simulations of a chlorination reactor | - | - |
MT-65-25 | Real-time modelling of a DC hybrid power system for HIL-testing | - | |
MT-64-25 | Modelling and controlling offshore wind power integration using AC-DC-AC converters | - | |
MT-63-25 | A comparative study of oil production with CFD and reservoir simulators | - | - |
MT-61-25 | Flexible time aggregation for flow-based market coupling | - | |
MT-60-25 | Comparative Analysis of Converter Ratings and Topologies for Reactive Power Control in Offshore Wind Farm | - | |
MT-59-25 | Teaching and learning Physics through Python Programming | - | - |
MT-58-25 | Heat integration of high temperature heat pumps (HTHP) into post combustion CO2 capture processes | - | |
MT-56-25 | Building Practical Industrial AI Agents: Implementation Examples Using Large Language Models | - | |
MT-53-25 | Modeling and Control of Ammonia Evaporators for Mineral Fertilizer Production | - | |
MT-52-25 | Literature survey on waste gasification with CO2 capture | - | - |
MT-51-25 | Discovering and Visualizing Electrocardiogram Features in NSTEMI Patients Using Deep Learning | - | |
MT-49-25 | Using LLM’s for knowledge management in software engineering | - | |
MT-48-25 | Investigation of Protection Relay Settings Based on Operational Data | - | |
MT-46-25 | Automating technical documentation - Application of ISO/IEC 81346 for Describing Railway Power Supply Systems | - | |
MT-44-25 | Gasification of biomass waste for green syngas production | - | - |
MT-43-25 | Integrated approach for wastewater treatment with Microbial Fuel Cells |
| - |
MT-42-25 | Modeling and simulation of methanol production from biogas through carbon dioxide capture method | - | |
MT-41-25 | CFD simulations of hydrogen gas explosions using the PDRFoam solver in OpenFOAM | - | |
MT-40-25 | Explosive limits of hydrogen and Li-ion battery vent gases and with inert gas addition | - | |
MT-39-25 | Shale shaker cuttings control | - | |
MT-38-25 | Monitoring a New Benchmark Solvent for CO2 Capture: Pushing Technical Boundaries | - | |
MT-36-25 | Process simulation combined with other calculation tools for automated cost optimization of CO2 capture | - | |
MT-35-25 | Surface heat loss from electrified fluidized bed calciners | - | |
MT-34-25 | Separation of calcined meal and inert particles in hot CO2 from an electrified calciner | - | |
MT-33-25 | 3D simulation of pressure build-up in switchgear and surrounding structures during internal arcing event | - | |
MT-32-25 | Oxygen separator in alkaline hydrogen electrolysers | - | |
MT-31-25 | Mixed ammonia/hydrogen jet flames for carbon free shipping | - | |
MT-30-25 | Monitoring a Vacuum-Operated Production String |
| - |
MT-29-25 | Data analysis of induction heating generators | - | |
MT-26-25 | GIS-based Comparative Evaluations of Energy Island Solutions | - | - |
MT-25-25 | Economic Evaluation Metrics for Energy Island Solutions | - | |
MT-24-25 | Process design and simulation for biodiesel production |
| - |
MT-23-25 | Electrocoagulation in Textile Wastewater Treatment |
| - |
MT-22-25 | Life Cycle Assessment of Bioenergy Conversion from a Corn Stover |
| - |
MT-21-25 | MBBR biofilm carrier durability study | - | |
MT-20-25 | Optimization of CO₂ Liquefaction through Adaptive Model Predictive Control Using Data-Driven Model | - | |
MT-19-25 | Development of a Data-Driven Framework for Techno-Economic Feasibility of Hydrogen Energy Storage Systems | - | |
MT-18-25 | Implementation of advanced control strategies on post-combustion CO2 capture processes | - | |
MT-17-25 | Ranging of power grid contingencies by transient stability system performance | - | |
MT-15-25 | TBA | - | |
MT-14-25 | Modelling and simulation of the full-scale deammonification process in a full scale MBBR and IFAS treatment plant using GPS-X |
| - |
MT-13-25 | Evaluating the direct removal of ammonium from wastewater using extracellular electron transfer-based anammox process | - | - |
MT-12-25 | Environmental footprint of SF6-free MV switchgear: A sensitivity analysis | - | |
MT-11-25 | Model predictive multicontrol with modified local search algorithms for feeder control | - | |
MT-08-25 | Comparing closed loop subspace system identification methods: The DSR_e and CLMOESP methods | - | - |
MT-07-25 | Comparing open loop subspace system identification methods: The DSR and MOESP methods | - | - |
MT-06-25 | Dynamic Positioning , system identification and control of marine vessels – based on a simplified non-linear Balchen model | - | - |
MT-04-25 | Characterization and Simulation of Li-ion Battery Materials Flow and Transport Behavior: Enhancing Material Handling Practices for Industrial Scale-Up | - | |
MT-03-25 | Sustainable beating optimization for natural greaseproof paper production | - | |
MT-02-25 | Flow rate data validation and reconciliation for oil wells in development | - | |
MT-01-25 | Computational modelling of oil–water two-phase flow in pipes | - | - |
Navn | Tema | Samarbeidspartnere | Presentasjon |
- | Tema 2 | - | 13:00, Scenenavn |
Navn | Tema | Samarbeidspartnere | Presentasjon |
- | Tema 3 | - | - |