Alf Bjørseth

Gründer - Scatech, REC/Scanwafer, Norsk Titanium

Dr. Alf Bjørseth established Scatec Innovation AS (then Scatec AS) in 1987 as a holding company for his investments in companies and technologies he was involved in developing. Later, Scatec Innovation became a successful incubator of Alf’s technology ideas which so far has resulted in listed companies like REC ASA, Scatec ASA and Norsk Titanium AS. Through his unique entrepreneurship, Dr. Alf Bjørseth has established a number of vital businesses within the fields of renewable energy and advanced materials. Common for these companies is a technological foundation firmly rooted in research and technology. Alf himself uses every opportunity to communicate the importance of expert knowledge, often with his own Dr. Phil. in chemistry as example.